"The Hill of Angels"
Welcome To CON THIEN Scenario Page
In 1967 During the Vietnam War “Con Thien” (The Hill of Angels) was a firebase used by the U.S. Marines to fight against NVA forces and Viet Cong soldiers from invading South Vietnam. Con Thien was located near the Demilitarized Zone at the border of North and South Vietnam. Early in the Vietnam War the NVA attacked Con Thien to gain strategic advantage in the Vietnam War. NVA knew that if they took control of Con Thien they could disrupt the supply lines that the U.S. Marines had and cause havoc for South Vietnam.
U.S. Marines used Con Thien as a Firebase to start a lot of missions during the Vietnam War. More than 1400 Marines were killed and nearly 9300 wounded in the fighting in and around Con Thien. NVA losses were put at nearly 7600 killed in action and 168 prisoners of war. Many missions were planned and executed from Con Thien during the Vietnam War from 1967 - 1968.
Prepare for a battle between the North and the South Vietnam. See if you can keep the NVA from invading South Vietnam and making them a Communist Country.

Con Thien Event Schedule
Saturday 06/18/2022
0730 Registration, Air, and Chrono Station Open
0800 Game Starts
1800 Game Ends
Con Thien
Command Decisions Production