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Special Rules


Special Weapons for General:

Finally, by the nature of this game, there will be referee supported "events", usually dictated by the opposing generals, who could cause entire bases to be eliminated, and all players in them. These are called WMD attacks, and may come in 3 very different forms:


Missile Barrage- is a very powerful, weapon for the General. They will eliminate a 100 foot diameter area of the field for the entire event phase once initiated. If used on a base, that base will be out of play for that day (and thus, cannot be used for points). Missile Barrage will be delivered via referee in a very loud and visually spectacular manner. that base will still be in play for the player, but not worth any points. Red tape will be put around the base sign to signify that the base was destroyed. (1 per day)


Air strikes- Air strikes will be simulated (loudly) by refs at points determined by the generals and coordinated through the Game Coordinator using a grid system.

The Marine and NVA General initially have 6 (six) air strikes at his disposal. They must be called into the Production Center, who will coordinate a ref to conduct the strike. The air strike will take at least 2 minutes to coordinate, but may take less than 2 minutes. 


To call for fires, the general, or his authorized designate, must radio a "Fire Mission" with his call sign and the control number issued prior to the game. The general will give a grid coordinate (including a specific target or a direction/distance from a smoke grenade thrown one minute preceding the strike), target type (armor/infantry in open/structure), and location of friendly forces. If friendly forces are within 50 ft of target, the strike must be designated "Danger-Close", otherwise mission may be scrubbed and loss of air strike/barrage will occur. TOC/FDC will repeat information and give updates to the general on time to target (TOT).


The impact point will be where the ref feels that they are close to the grid coordinate or specific building/bunker target dictated by the FDC as called in by the general.

An air strike affects an approximate 50 ft radius from the point of impact as determined by the ref in place. A hit eliminates the target, the players inside, and all exposed (not in adjacent bunker, trench, tank or foxhole) players within 50 feet. The target can be immediately reoccupied by players not eliminated by the blast after the refs clear the structure.

Air strike does not take out entry points, dead zones, or flag stations.


Surface - To - Air Missile (SAM)- can be used to counter a missile strike from the opposing General. If you know when the missile strike will be placed from the enemy you can counter with an Anti – Air Strike by informing your General Referee that you would like to counter Air Strike. (Limit 3 SAM Strikes Day One and limit 1 SAM Strike Day 2). Missile Barrage cannot be countered by the opposing General. 


NAPALM- The Marine and NVA General initially have three (3) napalm strikes at their disposal. They must be called into the Production Center the same manner an air strike or missile barrage is called in. The napalm strike will take at least 2-5 minutes to coordinate, but may take less than 2 minutes. NAPALM will be simulated by YELLOW smoke. Napalm is deployed by a ref running through the target area with two smoke grenades. ANY player caught in the smoke cloud is eliminated. When deployed the ref will attempt to maximize casualties by engulfing as many players as possible in the target area.

Remember, napalm can travel with wind direction, and it could happen that your napalm attack can hit your own troops by mistake.

Regular smoke will not be considered as a Napalm attack. NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO USE YELLOW SMOKE.




Sniper  - Snipers are a “Carded” slots to be designated by the Generals. Each side will get two (2) designated snipers. Snipers must be equipped with a bolt action sniper rifle and a sidearm. Snipers will chrono at 2.28j with .32g. They may not engage players in building with the sniper rifle. 100 ft MED. There is no DMR for this event. Players will have a player card that will allow them to complete sniper missions. Sniper Cards will be issue by the General.



AT Gunner - AT Gunner will be issue a AT card that will allow them to take out Tanks. AT card will allow the player to repair bridges destroyed by a missile strike or satchel charge. (cannot repair a bridge hit by missile barrage)

Only players with a AT card can use a satchel.


AT cards will be issued by the General.


AT cards will be issued at the rate of one (1) AT per two (2) tanks.


Tankers, please review, print off, and have a copy of the Tank Utilization Rules on the field when your tank is in play.


Tankers, please review, print off, and have a copy of the Tank Utilization Rules on the field when your tank is in play.




Medic – Medic cards will be issued that will allow the player to heal none fatal wounds on a player. (Headshot is a fatal wound) Medic will be limited with 20 qty healing bands that will be given to them by their general. Players can only be healed by the medic once, after the player is wounded a second time they will need to respawn at their teams Dead Zone and remove the heal band from their arm and leave it in the Dead Zone for the Medic to recover for future heals. (It is very important that players return the heal bands to the Dead Zone once used or the Medic will run out of bands to heal players)


Medic has 5 minutes to heal a player that is wounded before he bleeds out (5 minute timer starts once player is hit) and then needs to respawn at the designated Dead Zone for their team.






Con Thien Faction Flag Rules

U.S. Marines Flag – Flag with U.S. Marine Logo

NVA Flag – Red Flag with Gold Star



1. Flag must be on the field always.

2. Flag must be in a Base on top of the hour or your team will be hit with a -25 pts. (If flag is stolen by opposing team you will receive a -25 pts on top of hour until your team recovers flag.)

3. Flag must be visible always. (Flag cannot be in a bag or covered)

4. If flag leaves the field of play it will be a minus -200 pts for your team.

5. If you have your flag in the designated base you will receive additional 50 pts. (Production Team will let you know the designated location 1 hour before flag is to be in the designated base.)

6. If your team has the opposing team’s faction flag in the appropriate designated base and your team controls that base; you will receive additional 50 pts.

7. Flag must be dropped if player carrying the flag is eliminated. (If flag is on the outside of a tank and tank is eliminated the tank walker will need to remove the flag from the tank and display the flag on the ground.) (If light or heavy AT take tank out the tank walker will need to remove the flag and hand flag to the AT gunner; AT gunner is a neutral player and should not be shot at during this time when claiming their tank kill.)


      Con Thien

Command Decisions Production


Con Thien "The Hill of Angels" Team Epidemic Production

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