"The Hill of Angels"

All players must read and agree to follow all player safety rules, field safety guidelines, and sign the waiver of liability and hold harmless agreement prior to participation in any paintball or airsoft activities without exception. Any violation of the safety rules will result in mandatory ejection from the field and/or premises. Play nice or go home. PLAYERS MUST BE 10 YEARS OLD TO PLAY AT CDWC.
1. SAFETY GOGGLES must be worn by anyone in the playing field and chronograph/target range at all time. Only ASTM Goggle systems specifically approved for paintball that provide full face and ear protection, or full seal ASTM goggles for airsoft are allowed. Modifications to goggles are strictly prohibited.
2. INJURIES, either from accidents or from play or dangers as found on the property must be reported to staff immediately. The staff has been trained in first aid and takes your safety very seriously.
3. NO SHOOTING in any areas other than the designated playing field and/or target range. No shooting into or out of the registration area, neutral zones or parking areas. Markers may only be discharged on the active field of play or target range. No shooting at wildlife, dumpsters, automobiles, porta-johns, etc. Blind shooting, that is shooting your marker without having a visual on your impact, is prohibited.
4. ALL MARKERS MUST BE CHRONOGRAPHED at 280 FPS (paintball) and 400FPS with.20 or 375FPS with .25 (airsoft) CARDED Snipers will be a 2.28j with .32 100ft MED. Chrono is checked by a referee or staff member before play. Your marker may be checked at random during the course of the day, even during play. There is a 13 ball per second limit for paintball.
5. JUDGES DECISIONS ARE FINAL. Players or spectators will not be allowed to argue with the referees or staff under any circumstances. Interfering with the ref or staff duties will result in expulsion.
6. BARREL BLOCKING DEVICES (barrel sleeves or socks only) must be installed at all times anywhere on the property other than the designated playing field and target range. Barrel blocking devices must be specifically designed and manufactured for paintball markers. We do not allow barrel plugs on this field.
7. NO CLIMBING of trees, vehicles, or any structure 4’ or higher. Castles, forts, or towers must be clearly marked in the field of play and meet our safety guidelines. No jumping from towers or any structure.
8. NO PHYSICAL CONTACT, with the exception of barrel tags or assistance to players. Fighting or any aggressive physical contact will result in law enforcement being called. Allow players within 20 feet the opportunity to call themselves out to avoid close shots. Physical contact with bunkers equates to a barrel tag for those inside.
9. NO ALCOHOL OR ILLEGAL DRUGS are allowed on the premises. Anyone engaging in these activities or who is impaired will be ejected from the field. Repeat violators will be banned from the facility permanently. Law enforcement may be called.
10. NO VERBAL ABUSE, profanity, threats, name-calling, or slurs against anyone’s race, religion, sex, creed, disability, national origin, or family members and friends will be tolerated. Cheating, overshooting or unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated and will result in your expulsion.
11. NO UNAUTHORIZED EQUIPMENT or potentially dangerous gear is allowed. All firearms, knives, machetes, explosives, flares, pyrotechnics, hot burning smokes, fill stations, etc. are strictly prohibited. The field operator must approve all non-standard equipment allowed on the premises, including launchers, mines, and moving tanks.
12. MODIFICATIONS ARE PROHIBITED Players are not allowed to modify safety goggles, rental markers, bunkers, or any property on the premises. Doing so constitutes vandalism and will be treated as such.
13. SPECTATORS must complete waivers prior to entering the field and are required to wear safety goggles unless they remain a minimum of fifteen feet behind the safety netting at all times. Spectators are also expected to abide by the same safety rules as any other player.
14. PERSONAL PROPERTY is the exclusive responsibility of players, guests and spectators. CDWC assumes no liability for lost, missing, damaged or stolen items. Lock up your valuables or leave them at home.
Game Play Rules
You will be expected to chronograph, and have your ID Card punched by a ref, before the game Saturday, and before the game Sunday. A majority of the refs will carry hand chronos and will be spot checking speeds throughout the event. Guns that are shooting 'hot' are a serious safety hazard. A bb traveling at 500+ fps can shatter a goggle lens. 'Hot' firing will not be tolerated,
PLAYERS MUST BE 10 YEARS OLD TO PLAY AT CDWC. Players may be asked to verify their date of birth. Refunds will be given to anyone under the age of 10.
All players must read and agree to follow all player safety rules, field safety guidelines, and sign the waiver of liability and hold harmless agreement prior to participation in any paintball or airsoft activities without exception. Any violation of the safety rules will result in mandatory ejection from the field and/or premises. Play nice or go home.
1) FULL SEAL NON-MESH SAFETY GOGGLES must be worn by anyone in the playing field and chronograph/target range at all time. Only ASTM Goggle systems specifically approved for paintball that provide full face and ear protection, or full seal ASTM goggles for airsoft are allowed. Airsoft players under the age of 18 must wear full face protection. Full face protection MAY BE a balaclava, a wire mesh face protector WITH FULL SEAL GOGGLES or a paintball mask. CDWC will rent paintball goggles to airsoft players to meet this requirement. Modifications to goggles are strictly prohibited. ​
2) INJURIES, either from accidents or from play or dangers as found on the property must be reported to staff immediately. The staff has been trained in first aid and takes your safety seriously.
3) NO SHOOTING in any areas other than the designated playing field and/or target range. No shooting into or out of the registration area, neutral zones or parking areas. Markers may only be discharged on the active field of play or target range. No shooting at wildlife, dumpsters, automobiles, porta-johns, etc. Blind shooting, that is shooting your marker without having a visual on your impact, is prohibited.
4) JUDGES DECISIONS ARE FINAL. Players or spectators will not be allowed to argue with the referees or staff under any circumstances. Interfering with the ref or staff duties will result in expulsion.
5) ALL AIRSOFT WEAPONS must be kept "cold"- magazine out, safety on -unless in chronograph range or on field.
6) NO CLIMBING of trees, vehicles, or any structure 4' or higher. Castles, forts, or towers must be clearly marked in the field of play and meet our safety guidelines. No jumping from towers or any structure.
7) NO PHYSICAL CONTACT, with the exception of barrel tags or assistance to players. Fighting or any aggressive physical contact will result in law enforcement being called. Allow players within 20 feet the opportunity to call themselves out to avoid close shots. Physical contact with bunkers equates to a barrel tag for those inside.
8) NO ALCOHOL OR ILLEGAL DRUGS are allowed on the premises. Anyone engaging in these activities or who is impaired will be ejected from the field. Repeat violators will be banned from the facility permanently. Law enforcement may be called. We do not tolerate underage drinking nor will we tolerate adults providing alcohol to those underage.
9) NO VERBAL ABUSE, profanity, name-calling, or slurs against anyone's race, religion, sex, creed, disability, national origin, or family members and friends will be tolerated. Cheating, overshooting or unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated and will result in your expulsion.
10) NO UNAUTHORIZED EQUIPMENT or potentially dangerous gear is allowed. All firearms, knives, machetes, explosives, flares, pyrotechnics, fill stations, etc. are strictly prohibited. The field operator must approve all non-standard equipment allowed on the premises, including launchers.
11) MODIFICATIONS ARE PROHIBITED Players are not allowed to modify safety goggles, rental markers, bunkers, or any property on the premises. Doing so constitutes vandalism.
12) SPECTATORS must complete waivers prior to entering the field and are required to wear safety goggles unless they remain a minimum of five feet behind the safety netting at all times. Spectators are also expected to abide by the safe safety rules as any other player.
13) PERSONAL PROPERTY is the exclusive responsibility of players, guests and spectators. CDWC assumes no liability for lost, missing, damaged or stolen items.
14) UNIFORM COLORS (AIRSOFT) – This is a camo specific game*. Green vs Tan. Marines will be GREEN. NVA will be TAN.
*NOTE: If agreed upon before game start players that are not in compliance with the camo rules may be identified with GREEN or RED taping (Green/Marines Red/NVA)
Airsoft game speeds will be a maximum of 400FPS with .20g, and 375 with .25g. CARDED Snipers will be a 2.28j with .32.
NOTE: Players that have a sniper rifle and were NOT issued a sniper card may still play with their rifle. However, they MUST abide by the standard chrono of 400FPS/.20G and 375FPS/.25G game standard.
You will be expected to chronograph, and have your zip tied by a ref and/or gun zip tied with a special colored indicator, before the game Saturday. Game Officials will be spot-checking velocities on the field. If you are found shooting over the game limit without proper identification as a sniper, your I.D. will be punched (for a point loss for your side), your name logged on the ref sheet and you will have to return to the store to repair and RE-CHRONOGRAPH your gun. A second infraction will result in suspension from the field.
All goggles must be ASTM approved full face and ear protection for any player under 18. Players over 18 MUST wear full seal NON-MESH eye protection, and we highly recommend masks and mouthguards. Player UNDER THE AGE OF 18 MUST WEAR FULL SEAL GOGGLES AND FULL FACE PROTECTION! This may include wearing an ASTM approved paintball mask, or full seal non-mesh goggles with a balaclava and/or wire nose and mouthguard. Eye protection MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES IN THE CHRONOGRAPH AREAS AND ON THE FIELD OF PLAY!!!! 90% of all airsoft related injuries are eye injuries. We assume the remaining 10% include broken teeth from direct hits because we've seen our share of those! Don't cause an injury or be one.
EVEN IF FOGGED, DO NOT REMOVE YOUR GOGGLES FOR ANY REASON ON THE FIELD OR CHRONOGRAPH AREA. To do so will result in your removal from the game. NO EXCEPTIONS - NO REFUNDS. Retire to a dead zone, your camp, or the store and clean your mask.
Discharging of airsoft guns in the parking/store area will not be tolerated and will result in your expulsion from the field! Do not shoot at wildlife (including our snakes), referees, or support vehicles. There is no shooting or posting within 100 feet of a dead zone. If a ref catches you, you will be considered eliminated and you will get your card punched for a point loss.
Any repairs must be done at a chronograph station, vendor site, or in your campsite. YOU CANNOT FIRE YOUR GUN AT ANY TIME EXCEPT AT A CHRONO STATION, OR ON THE FIELD, PERIOD. You cannot fire your marker at your campsite, in the woods next to your campsite, or in your vehicle! Doing so is not only a safety hazard, but a blatant show of disrespect for others safety. If you are found firing your marker in the camping area, or anywhere but an approved area, you may be asked to leave the event.
Not calling hits, any form of cheating, or un-sportsman like conduct (OVER SHOOTING, FIGHTING, FOUL LANGUAGE, etc.) will not be tolerated. If you are found cheating you will be expelled from the game and not allowed to return.
Under no circumstances is anyone allowed to ARGUE with a referee. On the field, their calls are final, period. If you have a problem with a call, then take it to one of the game coordinators, or a head ref. There will be multiple head refs, one at each battle area. They will be assisted by numerous refs all over the field. Each side will have a head referee attached to them as well.
Referees are here for your safety and are totally impartial. However, if you see any ref allowing any unsafe actions or performing poorly, please report him to game control.
Do not shoot at ANY field animals, wildlife, referees, or support vehicles. Leave our snakes alone and they will leave you alone. Seriously, don't shoot the black snakes.
Avoid close (within 20 feet) shots if at all possible. Allow the player to surrender first (see Surrender/capture rules), or shoot for a low impact area, like legs or feet. Be courteous.
Blind shooting, shooting without visually seeing where your BBs are impacting or without looking down your sights, is not allowed. An example of this is holding your marker around a corner and firing. Violators will be counted as eliminated.
Overshooting, which is the repeated shooting of an already eliminated player, is grounds for elimination or, if deliberate, removal from the field. Allow all suspected hit players to call themselves out. Be sure to loudly call yourself as hit (if you are) to prevent overshooting. Shooting a player with a barrel sleeve mounted on his marker is overshooting, provided that player has his marker and sleeve clearly visible.
NO PHYSICAL CONTACT IS ALLOWED BETWEEN PLAYERS (with the exception of a barrel tag or hand shake).
DEAD ZONE CAMPING- There is no shooting or posting within 100 feet of a dead zone or entry point. Dead zones are there for the convenience and safety of the players and hold no strategic value. If a ref catches you within 100 feet of an enemy dead zone you will be considered eliminated and will have your card punched for a point deduction.
If you are hit by a BB/Paint, you are eliminated. Hits count anywhere on your body or equipment, including guns and magazines (i.e. gun hits count).
If you are eliminated call "Hit, hit, hit", raise your gun in the air, place your dead rag on your head or gun, and return to one of your assigned safe zones. You may immediately re-enter the game after you tag in.
If under fire, face away from where your enemies are firing from and exit play by the fastest, safest route. Putting both hands and gun in the air is a good idea as well, because it leaves no doubt as to your condition. Get out of the way fast if you are in an area that is under heavy fire. Head away from the fire! Do not talk, act as a shield, trade equipment, give equipment or ammunition to your teammates, or participate in radio chatter. Use the honor system! Be sportsmanlike!
Remember, dead men do not tell tales (talk)! This is an honor situation. If eliminated, Do not talk until you get to the dead zone.
Special Game Play Rules
The surrender rule is also known as the 20' rule. If you get within 20' of someone and they do not see you, you can call out, "Surrender!" At this point the other player has one of two options; they can raise their marker and surrender, or they can turn and fire on you. If they turn to fire, you had better be ready to fire yourself. This could create 'quick draw' situations, but calling for a surrender is considered a courtesy so as not to 'light someone up' when they are within 20' to avoid a painful hit.
In close in encounters such as buildings and trenches a Minimum Engagement Distance (MED) of 10 ft is advised.
'Barrel' Tag:
A barrel tag is when someone sneaks up on you, taps you with their hand -not barrel (this is a safety issue), and you are out. This is not an option. YOU CANNOT TURN AND FIRE, PERIOD! If barrel tagged, you must put your BBD on, raise your gun, and leave the field quietly. I stress quietly because the whole premise behind the barrel tag is that someone has been stealthy enough to out-maneuver you without detection. That type of stealth deserves respect and the respectful thing to do is not give them away by yelling you are out. A barrel tag, or surrender, is the only time you are not required to call out in a loud voice, "HIT". By the same token, if you 'Barrel Tag' someone, just touch them with your hand, and say "barrel tag": do not JAB or HIT them with your barrel or anything else for that matter.
When either of the two above situations occurs to a role player who is 'designated' as a possible target, they are obliged to surrender and are considered captured. The capturer must get them back to a designated area to receive points. This will be covered in more detail in the game mission cards. They are taken to the designated area until rescued, or a given amount of time expires. Referees and other players may not be captured.
Paint Check:
During the day games, if you are hit and not sure if the ball or grenade broke, you may call for a paint check ON YOURSELF by a ref. With 100+ players on the field, there may not be a ref right next to you, so if a teammate is ask him/her if you are hit. If you are, then do the honest thing and call yourself out. During a paint check you are still in play and can be eliminated at any time while waiting and other players can still maneuver on you. A paint check does not make you neutral and cannot suspend play. You cannot call a paint check on another player.
Bunker Tag:
CDWC has a variety of structures and fighting positions on the field. Some of these structures are strategically placed, hardened and make great defensive positions. However to minimize close shots a bunker tag rule is in effect. Certain bunkers will be marked by an orange diamond (Diamond Bunkers). To eliminate all players inside a diamond bunker you must shoot them through the firing ports from a distance, or tag/slap the diamond with your hand while yelling “bunker tag”. This action simulates throwing a grenade into the bunker. If you are inside a diamond bunker and hear “bunker tag” then you are eliminated. If you are outside the bunker you are not eliminated.
Players in Diamond Bunkers may also be eliminated with authorized satchel charges thrown on or against the bunker, or with a direct hit from a Nerf rocket fired from an authorized (card carrying) AT gun, Tank, or Grenade Launcher (grenade launchers are commercial Nerf firing launchers the same as AT guns although they cannot eliminate tanks). See the Tank Utilization Rules for more information.
If a "bunker" or emplacement does not have a diamond emblem then the Bunker Tag rule does not apply and players using them for cover must be eliminated in a conventional manner. Be aware of the "20 foot close shot rule" described above.
Bunkers, Bridges (foot or vehicle), and special targets can be temporarily taken out of play with special mission cards and satchel charges. Blown bridges will be marked by tape and signs indicating their status. No one can cross a blown bridge by foot or vehicles. However, bridges can be repaired with additional special mission cards or by continuously holding either side of the bridge for 15 minutes.
Do not take off your mask in tanks or bunkers, buildings, or towers for any reason! Ever!
Pneumatic powered Rocket Launchers (RPG/AT) can eliminate tanks, "Diamond" bunkers, and other designated structures on the field and anyone inside them. The target must be directly hit (no bounces) with a factory manufactured soft Nerf football type rocket. On missions, a judge must be contacted and shown AT card beforehand, and must be present to ascertain whether the mission was successful or not. In mission play if an attack is successful the structure will be taped off as destroyed. In non-mission (normal) play, the structure can be immediately reoccupied (except tanks). There is a limit to the number of RPG gunners, and they must attend the same safety brief that the tankers do to have their device checked by staff members. No homemade RPGs made with plastic pressure chambers are allowed. All launchers must be approved for play by staff before the General can issue an AT card.
Players that are not issued an AT card may still use an approved launcher to take out diamond bunkers. However, they cannot take out tanks.
A Satchel Charge (as issued by a General as they are a numbered and controlled item) can be placed or thrown on top of or next to the targeted structure (including tanks) and eliminate them if they make contact with the structure. Satchel charges are one use devices. After use they must be recharged at the production center.
The use of paintball tanks, provided that they are under a strict set of guidelines, adds an enormous amount of fun and strategy to a paintball game. Armored vehicles on a real battlefield either dominate or are metal coffins for the crew. These rules will attempt to balance safety with effective tank strategy on the field. The tank rules are discussed in detail on their own page.
Do not approach or be within 15 feet of an "in play" tank or you will be counted as eliminated. Players may not bunker tag tanks or eliminate the driver with paintball hits. Do not shoot the vision blocks of the tanks or shoot at the driver. A designated safety referee will accompany the tank(s). If a tank is eliminated by mine, satchel charge, or AT weapon, it will either withdraw off the playing field or stay in position depending on the game and safety situation. In either case the crew is eliminated and at least one must proceed to a dead zone as any other player.
Reactivations of eliminated tanks involve an uninterrupted 10-minute "repair" by a single tank crewmember (after returning from the dead zone) or 10 minutes off-field in the tank park. A tank that is reactivating on the field must do so behind their own lines and the reactivation must be announced by the safety walker one minute prior and every 10 seconds thereafter until activation. Tanks cannot activate behind enemy lines unless they are entering the field through their designated tank entry point.
Do not climb on, use for cover, or enter a tank under any circumstances, even eliminated ones. Generally speaking, unless you possess anti-armor markers, your best tactic is to avoid tanks.
Tankers and Anti-Tankers- please review, print off, and have a copy of the Tank Utilization Rules on the field when your tank or launcher is in play, the link to which is located at the bottom of this page.
Each side's commander will issue mission assignments at the beginning and during each phase. The commander, or General, can be eliminated just like any other player, and if they are out of play then the assignments may be temporarily interrupted. Protect your Generals!
At the beginning of the game you will be assigned to a team, squad, or company, and will generally be with this same team throughout the game. Through the General, or their designate, you will be given missions that must be completed for points. Additionally, the General may issue "special" equipment necessary to accomplish certain missions.
Just like in the "real" military, if you are eliminated, for any reason, you should report back to your squad leader or another officer for reassignment or re-linking with your team. In the event you need to retire from the field (gun maintenance or rest) you still need to report to your squad leader or the General so they will now the status of their forces. Many games have been lost when too many players left the field without letting their command structure know.
Mission Cards: These are to be issued by the General and given to the squad taking on the mission objectives. If a Ref is present at the beginning of the mission, the card may be given to him and he will observe that the mission criteria are met, fill in the card, and then turn it in to the Game Control. There must a ref present to validate a completed mission (so make sure you find one before the end of your mission).
Con Thien
Command Decisions Production